„Only a beautiful carpet turns a hotel into what it finally represents” This quote from an old guide book is still valid. Architects and planner know much about the importance of hotel rugs in practice.
Studies show that people particularly remember the nature of the floor after having stayed in a room for the first time. An exquisite carpet remains longer in our consciousness than some wall decorations or furniture. The reason: When we notice a carpet, our human sensors disregard objects being placed on the rug or other assigned objects (i. e. a chair or armchair). This inherent sense of direction is being “sensualized” when stepping onto the carpet. Our perception converts into “comfort”.
That is why the appropriate carpet is of high importance regarding customer loyalty in the hotel business. The most important „marker“ for an ideal carpet composition in hotels are:
- Architectural highlight for entrance, lounge area, stairways, floors: noble, festive ambience
Emphasis on the extra luxury rooms and suites: individualization, feeling of an “exclusive stay” - Upgrading of designated areas within the gastronomy:
first class feeling, “being home”, more sophisticated ambience - Promotion of the overall impression (recurring structures):
hotel “with personality”, no “usual” hotel, appreciation of the guest
Another aspect is important regarding carpet equipment of a hotel – the “soft guidance” of the guest through mostly unknown premises. Following a study on „Farbe und Wirkung” (color and effect) by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim, not only the choice of material and colors of floor surfacing, but also the pattern is very important. This way, the direction of movement can be guided or hindered.
Following the author of the study, professor M. Schlegel, surfaces and structures are being perceived as a sur-face, a kind of “face with personality”, with “its own story” and “own expression”. Certainly, this also applies to hotels. Carpets therefore substantially contribute to the recognition and uniqueness of hotels.
In any case, equipping a hotel or restaurant with modern design carpets is always both a special challenge and a fulfilment for architects. The semi-public area of a hotel does not only carry the hotel’s name into the world, but also and always the architect’s thumbprint.
- Interior Design
- Hotel